Single-use conductivity standards calibrate all conductivity meters and probes for maximum accuracy. Eliminate concern about external container contamination. Calibration is made in the standard vial.
Calibration within container — zero contamination
Traceable to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
Accuracy: certificate stated uncertainty or ±0.25 microsiemen or ±0.25%
100% compatible with all conductivity meters
A2LA accreditations ISO 34 and ISO 17025 plus ISO 9001
Includes an individual temperature chart and step-by-step calibration instructions
Units labeled (micromhos/microsiemens, ohms, parts per million/TDS)
Single use Eliminates external contamination concerns Each standard contains 100mL
Assortment (09-328-20) contains one each of 09-328-6, -7, -8, -9, -10, and -12